Due to a technical hitch this week there will be no phonics video. A double video will be here next week with our new sounds and some fun games.
Photo catch up!
We have really enjoyed using the apparatus in the hall over this half term!

Bling our bikes/scooters was a great way to start our festive activities!

We loved visiting the Christmas shop!
Phonics this week
Have a go at our new sounds with your teachers!
This week in photos

We have loved exploring Autumn in and out of the classroom. We had a go at made natural paint brushes and talked about which materials work best. We’ve been looking closely at leaves and other objects that we found in the woods and best of all we’ve been having of fun in the ‘Gruffalo cafe’!
Phonics home learning v, w, x, y
If you go down to the woods today …
We had a lovely time in the woods today, we found lots of interesting autumn leaves, chestnuts and many other things. We think we might have even found a Gruffalo house!

Phonics this week
Here is this weeks phonics video!
Phonics video
This week we are learning the sounds h, f, l and b.
Phonics home learning
So sorry everyone, this post didn’t upload on Friday. Enjoy your weekly phonics home learning video!