Our week 26.4.24

On Tuesday we completed our Miles for Mosaic. The children were so supportive and encouraging when participating in their sponsored run this week in aid of Miles for Mosaic – a charity that plays such an important role in children’s lives. Please remember to send in any sponsorship money by next Friday (more details have been sent via email).

In Literacy we have been enjoying The Owl and the Pussy-Cat. Some of the children have enjoyed learning this off by heart and performed to the class. We are looking forward to writing our own nonsense poems soon.

Our focus in Science this term is plants, we went on a scavenger hunt to see what plants we recognised around the school grounds, and have also looked at different seeds, making observations and predicting what they might turn into. We had some interesting discussions about where seeds come from and whether the biggest seeds turn into the biggest plants. What seeds can you spot in the food you eat at home?

The children have been doing some observational drawings of flowers in art and are looking forward to doing more of this over the next week in readiness for adding colour.

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