The children have had another fun week in school. In Geography they have continued to enjoy learning about the polar regions, this week’s focus was ‘Who lives in the Polar Regions?’ The children learnt about the indigenous lives of the Innuits, and how they are able to travel and live in such a cold environment. We learnt about how igloos are built from snow that has fallen quickly and blown into a drift. We even had a go at making our own igloos from sugar cubes and marshmallows – we quickly learnt that igloo building is not easy!
In Literacy we have found out more about the characters in our class book ‘The Journey Home’ and the problems that the elephant, polar bear, panda and orangutan face in their habitats. We then created a wanted poster to try and catch the poachers or the woodcutters who are endangering the animals.

Maths this week has seen us applying our knowledge of multiplication facts and solving word problems too. We are working hard on the recall of our times table facts and look forward to showing you how we do this in our ‘Stay and…’ soon.