It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back this week. Our new big question is ‘Is our local area bee-friendly?’ There are lots of lovely ideas in our home learning leaflet for you to explore this topic further. In geography, we thought about how to locate our school on our map and its place in the wider area. We learned that our local sea is the English Channel and we also identified the three other seas that surround the UK. In literacy, we have started learning the Owl and the Pussycat and in maths we have been learning all about 3D shapes – their names and how to describe and classify them.
On Thursday, we loved taking part in a cricket workshop provided by Time to Shine. The children were absolutely brilliant and demonstrated fantastic focus and skills.
The children are enjoying developing their joined (continuous cursive) handwriting. If you would like to see the four different joins and additional support, please click here.
Don’t forget to keep practising telling the time at home ready for when we start looking at in maths later in the summer. Here are some games you may find useful: